Social Responsibilities

Social Responsibilities


Nepal is well known for its tourism sector. Since thousands of tourists visit Nepal every year, tourism has become one of the main sources of income for the Nepalese people. Although the livelihood of the people living in city areas has improved much more due to tourism, the livelihood of people living in remote areas is totally different especially in the Eastern part of Nepal. To better their lifestyle, we, Ultimate Himalaya, are developing global learning communities.
A small rural municipality, Bhotkhola, with an area of 246.72 sq meters and a total population of 6576 lies in Sankhuwasabha district. Bhote families and the orphans residing in that area are deprived of proper education as well as health facilities. So, Ultimate Himalaya proposes to support them by helping them find a sponsor for their education. Not only that Ultimate Himalaya assures to provide every 5% of the total cost that you pay while traveling with us to the needy families to better their lifestyle.


Ultimate Himalaya aims to minimize the rate of uneducated Bhote people and support them for a better lifestyle especially orphans and poor families. In spite of having some government school in that area, we would still like to support them for better education and aim to provide a full scholarship for their education. We will be providing them school dress, school bags, books, and stationery items to lessen their worries on these things.